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  • hillsong - tear down the walls
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VERSE 1: Tear down the walls see the world Is there something we have missed Turn from ourselves Look beyond There is so much more than this PRE CHORUS: And I dont need to see it to believe it I dont need to see it to believe it Cause I cant shake this Fire deep inside my heart VERSE 2: Look to the skies hope arise See His majesty revealed More than this life there is love There is hope and this is real PRE CHORUS 2: Cause I dont need to see it to believe it I dont need to see it to believe it Cause I cant shake this fire burning Deep inside my heart CHORUS: This life is Yours and hope is rising As Your glory floods our hearts Let love tear down these walls That all creation would Come back to You Its all for You CHORUS 2: Your Name is glorious Glorious Your love is changing us Calling us To worship in spirit and in truth As all creation returns to You BRIDGE: Oh for all the sons and daughters Who are walking in the darkness You are calling us to lead them back to You We will see Your spirit rising As the lost come out of hiding Every heart will see this hope we have in You
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Добавил: Бульдог, 27.06.2012, 08:50 | Теги: the, hillsong, Walls, Tear, Down

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